If I could fly

If I could fly, I would,

If my feet weren’t heavy, I’m sure I could,

If I could fly, I could see what others like me could not,

If there was some magic dust, a lightness in my heart that age had not so soon forgot,

If I could fly, my dreams would ensue,

If my beliefs remained and happiness grew,

If I could fly, I wouldn’t come down,

If my fear was gone, I could be giddy like a child wearing a golden crown,

If I could fly, would I see a world of sorrow?

If I were to look from above, perhaps I wouldn’t have hope for today or tomorrow,

If I could fly, what about me would change?

If I trusted myself to soar in the air, just maybe I could but not at this stage,

If I didn’t hold my breath in the face of fear, maybe I could,

If I could fly, I would.

~ Written by Stephanie Kentepozidis

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